Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Plan on building? Read this for my tip #1

So I promised some content in my blog, so here goes.
When you build and you are picking brick, have your sales rep take you out to see it on a house!  We picked off the little sample, signed paperwork, did a pre-con meeting, and THEN we drove by a house our sales rep told us had our chosen brick.  We both liked it...a lot, but my wife felt strongly that was NOT what we picked.  So today she made an extra trip out to the model to look at samples again and sure enough, what we saw was exactly what we picked.
So we could have saved some heartache had we took a little time when picking colors.

Good Luck.


  1. I can say we had the same feeling! I would suggest the same thing. Even the lighting in the design center can really affect the colors. I was really disappointed when the siding went on the house and I'm still warming up to it.

  2. We had our sales rep look on his computer and find us a house with our color combinations in another development...but right before we broke ground RH changed siding suppliers and we had to re-pick our siding and this time there were no homes to go look at...had to go purely by the little sample, BUT we were very very happy with our new pick and after seeing it on the house we were thrilled.
